So you have requested a trial class at BJJ Haarlem. We’re excited to welcome you to one of our classes so you can see if our school and team are a good fit for you. The information below should help make it an enjoyable and safe experience for you and others. Please read this mail carefully!

Finding the Dojo

The Dojo is located up the stairs as you walk in. lease change your clothes in the dressingroom which you will find if you walk throught the crossfit area and up the stairs.

What to bring

We train with and without a Gi (a judo outfit) at our school according to the following schedule:

GI in the even numbered weeks,

Nogi in the odd numbered weeks.

If it is a Nogi day (or if you do not yet possess a Gi) you can train in normal sports clothing. We do ask that the clothing has a tight fit and no pockets to reduce the risk of fingers and toes getting caught in the fabric or damaging of the skin. We recommend stretchy material to reduce risk of tearing.

We advice bringing some water. Having a towel is also a good idea, you can shower at the venue if you wish to do so.

Safety and Hygene

Flip flops or slippers are mandatory outside of the mat area to minize risk of infections. Please also make sure that finger- and toenails are cut and that you do not wear any jewelry, or that jewelry that can’t be removed has been taped.

We expect members to come to the training in clean gear and with proper personal hygiene. Please dress open wounds in bandages and do not come to training ill or with infectious conditions. if you have preexisting injuries then please notify the coach before class.

What to Expect from your First Class

It might feel exciting to join your first class, but it might be a bit daunting as well. So what do you need to know when you take part for the first time?

Please feel welcome to enter the matspace. We clean our feet when we enter by taking a blue rag from the white basket right next to the entrance and a bit of disinfectant from a spray bottle. We clean our feet and put the dirty rag in the black bin.

We greet each other informally when we come in and we can use the time before class to stretch, warm up, drill or just socialize. Since it is your first class feel free to ask questions.

When class starts we line up along the far wall with all the windows. We greet each other formally and we start class immediately. The coach will help you through your first experience. Please give yourself the space to learn. It is your first time and nobody expects you to remember everything all at once. Rather than trying to memorize all you learn, try to focus on movement and enjoying the experience. You should have fun.

At the end of class we line up again. We greet eachother formally and we close the class with everyone shaking each other’s hands. After class there is always some time to stretch, drill some more or ask questions. Feel free to use that time for exactly those purposes.

Please take a look at our

House Rules