

House rules

Here at BJJ Haarlem safety and hygiene are our top priorities. We want everyone to enjoy the sport for as long as possible in good health. Therefore we teach students how they can prepare for self defence or competition without injuring or endangering themselves or others. This requires a couple of house rules.

  • Make sure you come to class with dry, clean gear (this includes: gi’s, belts, rashguard, shorts, etc.) Make sure your gear isn’t torn or otherwise damaged.
  • Take care of your personal hygiene. Both before and after class.
  • Make sure to keep your finger- and toenails short.
  • The use of slip-flops is mandatory if you leave the training area. This way you prevent contamination of the mats, thereby reducing danger of infection. 
  • Do not come to training ill, to prevent infecting others. This also goes for infectious skin conditions such as warts and ringworm. 
  • Prevent transmission of disease or infections by dressing open wounds with bandages or tape or by waiting until the wounds have healed if treatment is not possible. 
  • Use a mouth guard to protect your teeth and knee pads to protect your knees. Use of a toque or earprotectors can further reduce the chance of injury. 
  • Always think of the safety of others while training. Take note of the instructions. 

Might Brazilian Jiu Jitsu be something for you? Don’t hesitate to visit us!

Might Brazilian Jiu Jitsu be something for you? Don’t hesitate to visit us!

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